Artwork shipping

Artwork shipping requires a specialized approach. That is why Vintage Express has prepared for this circumstance and is shipping artwork internationally. It is an experienced company in shipping artwork overseas. Qualified and experienced staff consists of couriers, drivers and the best professionals who approach their task with the greatest care. Our mission is to provide our customers with items in perfect condition. The artwork transport is both expensive and very delicate, so it should definitely be outsourced to professionals. As this type of shipping may be difficult for you, our company will rise to the occasion and make it easy and simple.

We are prepared for various types of shipment and transport of artwork, which is why we have trained employees, drivers, as well as specialized and adapted equipment that will allow us to safely hand over your artworks. Our offer is directed primarily to those people who want to receive their products from different suppliers and from different locations. We have several warehouses throughout Europe, which allows us to complete your order and deliver it in one shipment. Sending and receiving items abroad and in different parts of the world with our company may become much more enjoyable than before. Stop worrying about whether your package is safe and will arrive at the right place. By handing it over to us, you can be completely calm about it. Thanks to our reliable crates and packaging, you do not only have to limit yourself with shipping to Europe, but also you can send something to another continent, such as Japan, New Zealand, Australia and the USA. We also offer services of shipping artwork to and from the UK.

We can assure you that we are the best artwork shipping company you have ever met. We know how important it is to transport artwork and how delicate and valuable these items are. That is why we have equipped our company with high-class vehicles that are capacious, with a capacity of up to 1000 kg and 23 m3 of volume. Our trucks are able to transport shipments in all conditions. You can be rest assured that your shipment is safe. To reassure you completely, we can assure you that we will pack it and secure it so that your artwork cannot be damaged.

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